Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How is the booking process like?
Simply press the "Book Now" button and select a time slot that suits you best. You will receive an email notification to inform you that your booking is successful made. We will email or contact you any follow-ups, if any.
How are the payment terms like? *IMPORTANT*
With effect from 4th January 2021, we will be collect full upfront payment via credit or debit cards only. Our payment system is powered by Stripe, a secure online payment gateway. Therefore, you can rest assure that your card details are safely secured and it will not be disclosed to us in any form.
Do you have a cancellation policy?
You will only be allowed to make cancellation and be entitled to the full refund if the cancellation is made beyond 6 hrs of your actual booking timing. Please do understand that your refund will take about 7 to 10 working days from your cancellation date.
If you happen to miss your session, please expect that your full payment may be forfeited.
For Package Clients:
Please not that the package is not refundable or exchangeable. You can only choose to reschedule your session if it is made beyond 6 hrs of your actual booking time. You are not allowed to transfer your package to someone else other than the individual registered under the package.
My package has expired and I have unused sessions. Can I extend them?
To extend your package, please purchase a new package with us and then send an email to request the transfer of any remaining sessions from your old package. We will then credit these sessions to your new package. Please be aware that you must complete this process within one month of your old package's expiry date. If the request is made after this timeframe, we unfortunately will not be able to transfer the remaining sessions to your new package.
Is the session safe for pregnant women?
Please check with your doctor or gynaecologist beforehand.
Can I resolve my pain or issues with just one session?
You will feel immediate relief with just one session. However, please note that chronic issues or injuries will require regular session of at least once a month or once every two weeks.
What do I need to wear for the session?
For males, please ensure that you bring a pair of loose shorts. For Females, please wear a loose pair of loose shorts and a sports bra. We reserved the rights to not service any customers who are not properly attired, and may cancel your service without refund.
Do you accept back-to-back bookings?
No, we do not accept back-to-back bookings because we wish to allocate the slots to other clients who are in need of sports therapy. You may choose to book another slot in the following week as a follow-up session.
Can I claim my sports massage?
You will first need to be referred by our certified Physiotherapist before you can claim your sports massage sessions. You can book a consultation with our physiotherapist here. This session will be fully claimable as it is conducted by a licensed physiotherapist.
Do you have a female therapist?
Yes, we now have a female therapist under our roster under the name of Rahil. You can find her booking slots here. Rahil is familiar with providing services for Muslimah, and we will ensure our upmost capability to ensure your modesty is protected.
Ready to fix your issues and pain?